We wanted to give a few #Teammate parent tips from us at Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts. Hopefully they will be helpful at home when playing or working on projects with your kids. We are all about working with parents for the best development and consistency as possible with their kids!

Most kids enjoy challenges. It is what makes video games so fun!

As long as they are encouraged for effort, not discouraged for lack of results.

Most kids, even the most shy, tend to enjoy doing things that challenge them. Some often will shut down if they develop a fear of not being able to do it or do good enough at it. If we consistently rewarding and encourage the effort rather than the result. They will continue to persevere and try things until they do get better at them. Rather than developing a dislike for them and a tendency to run away from adversity. This is why we use our #Teammate life skills badges in our kids martial arts classes. Feel free to ask your child’s instructor if you would like some to take home to earn from you!


Having a third party (extended family, coach, instructor, teacher, ect..) that is on your side in helping you consistently teach strong character values to your kids can be very helpful.

As parent’s you have to wear so many hats with your kids already. Having someone else they respect that calmly reinforces those lessons is a powerful thing for kids. It comes down to consistent reinforcement from more than one angle! That is one way we strive to be your parenting #Teammate at Peaceful Warriors with our kids martial arts classes.

Having an environment that your kids can go to, such as a karate class or other program, where they can feel like they are an important part of something bigger and have a little independence, is very important for a child's development.

A place where everyone shows strong character values and are encouraged to do so. A place that doesn’t label, bully and degrade anyone for being themselves. Where everyone is friendly and they can feel like they are important. A place where they can make great friends and be around #Teammate role models who believe a persons character still matters. They will begin to exhibit those values outside of that environment. It starts to become a big part of who they are. This is one of the things we strive for in our kids martial arts classes at Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts

Consistency is key!

If you want your child to show courtesy and use their manners all the time, then it must be reinforced at all times. We must also be the example of how those manners are used in how to deal with others and even our own kids. It can be easy to let our courtesy, respect, and manners go with our kids. However, we are the best example of how to act they have. By showing them respect and courtesy from an early age, they are more likely to return it to you as they grow. They will be more likely to say please and thank you, or sir, and ma’am, if you use those terms or words with them as well. If they stop saying please when asking for something, but you give it to them anyway, they will stop saying please because they know they will get it anyway.

Hopefully you find some of those 4 #Teammate parent tips helpful!

Consistent smiles can be more powerful than constant reprimanding. Make sure you spend twice as much effort encouraging and rewarding good behavior, as you do dealing out consequences for bad behavior.

If most of the behavior seems bad, start with small steps and compliment any small moment of good behavior you can find. They will love the attention, and keep trying to find new ways to get it from you as an amazing #Teammate parent!

This #Teammate parent article was written by: Cory Rose